Google Algorithm Updates You Need To Know About

Google is one of the most used search engine platforms that update its algorithm continually to make the user satisfy in the best possible way. These changes may put either positive or negative impact on your search ranking that depends on the way you use them in your strategies. In an order to know about such updates, take a look below.

Panda: It mainly comes into action to assign the content quality score to a web page, which further affects the ranking of your particular web page. It's main aim is to stop sites from the ranking that have poor or plagiarized content on their website. Penguin: Another in the list is Penguin that is mainly designed to capture the sites that are spamming. It operates in real-time, which ensures faster penalties and less time for recovery.
Hummingbird: This is an important algorithm that is used to add more meaning to the query as a whole. It ensures the ranking of your website, even if it doesn't contain the exact words the searched entered.
Pigeon: It mainly used to increase the ranking of local listing in overall search results. This ranking may also affect the search results shown in Google Maps, as it uses location and distance as a key factor.
Mobilegeddon: This is mainly used to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and if it is not, so, it can affect your web ranking. It gives priority to all those websites, which are able to work smoothly on all the responsive gadgets.
Possum: The main purpose of this algorithm is to ensure that all the local results may vary more depending on the searcher's location. In short, it shows all the local results, which increases your ranking for similar queries.
Fred: Its main purpose is to target all those websites that break the Google's webmaster guidelines. Such websites include more than enough ads, poor or might be plagiarized content and poor user benefits.


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